Your Investment Property asked Judith Taylor from for a quick guide to flood renovations 


  • f windows are swollen shut: remove the small strip (inner stop) that holds the lower sash with a wood chisel. Then force the lower window up slightly to clear the sill, and remove it from the frame by pushing it from the outside into the hands of a helper.
  • Do not push against the glass.
  • Don’t force open a closed door. It may be swollen tight, the flooring behind it may be buckled, or debris may have piled against it.
  • Make sure the door is unlocked and then carefully push it in from the outside to avoid further damage.
  • Do not attempt to plane or fit a door until the door, frame and jamb have thoroughly dried.
  • Wash doors with a mild alkali solution (5–6 tablespoons of baking soda to two litres of water).
Wood floors
  • Wooden floors should be dried gradually. Sudden drying could cause cracking or splitting. Remove hardwood floor boards to prevent buckling. Remove a board every few feet to reduce buckling caused by swelling. Clean and dry wood before attempting repairs.
  • If the timber floors are all cupped and buckled, this is a major issue. If the buckling is minor they may be able to be sanded down. If they don’t dry back to the original shape, your only remaining option is to replace them.