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Collective sales: The new frontier for property investors?

Reports of an increasing flurry of collective sales have not been as prevalent in the media headlines lately, although there are still many site sales currently being cultivated behind closed doors, averaging two to three years before they are marketed to the public.

Tax Q&A: Splitting CGT exemption between two residences

Question: My partner and I both own and live in our own homes and both have children from previous marriages.

Tax Q&A: Can foreign residents claim CGT exemption

We don’t know at this stage if we will ever live in that property again, but we would like to know the taxation scenario outcomes so we can decide whether we need to sell or just keep it. We obviously don’t want to lose the CGT exemption, but I am unsure whether my partner still qualifies after 30 June 2019.

Tax Q&A: CGT taxing point for the sale of a property

Blockchain and AI to revolutionise housing market

Loan Declined? What next…

New Luxury Resort Breaks Ground in Kampot, Cambodia

6 Ways to transform a tiny bedroom

Renovating an old house without losing its charm

Could the RBA cut interest rates this year?

Tax Q&A: CGT on main residence rented out for more than six years

Reno focus: Kitchen

Tax Q&A: Minimum period required to re-establish property as main residence

Tax Q&A: Capital Gains Tax implications on co-owned properties

5 Ways to save on your home loan

18 biggest landlord mistakes

Tax Q&A: Can we use the six-year rule to reduce CGT for multiple properties?

Tax Q&A: Does CGT exemption apply with foreign property?

Tax Q&A: Calculating a capital gain or a capital loss

Reno focus: Upgrading the 'heart of the home'

Gen Y to drive the next property boom

Rent to Buy: Should You Do It?

Refinancing tips for investors who are in it for the long haul

How to Make a Small Apartment Seem Bigger

What Airbnb guests really want

Tax Q&A: Are non-tax residents’ entitled to CGT exemption?

Share economy regulation plays catch-up

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