Latest by Michael Mata

IMF’s preliminary findings on housing

Reduce expenses this holiday season

Christmas Family Finances

There’s an oversupply of housing in Australia

Though much attention has been directed towards the housing shortage in some of Australia’s largest and fastest-growing cities, a new study from the Australian National University (ANU) says the country actually has a significant oversupply of housing.

Will Sydney’s house prices rebound in 2018?

Cheapest suburbs with best capital growth potential

Bank of Mum and Dad is fifth largest lender in Oz

Real estate app scores Sydney neighbourhoods

95 Perth suburbs have limited choices for buyers

More signs of recovery in Perth’s property market

Will the RBA’s cash rate rise to 2% next year?

Despite challenges, investors remain bullish

ATO releases info on tax avoidance schemes

Depreciation deductions on second-hand property

Buying versus renting in Melbourne

20,000 properties could flood Melbourne

Consider investing in childcare centres

Housing affordability worsens in June quarter

Commissioner’s remedial power (CRP) explained

Quarterly correction could turn into a crash

Chinese investors are avoiding commercial property

QLD rentals should have smoke alarms in bedrooms

More signs of stability in the Perth property market

New e-conveyancing platform addresses pain points

Property sellers are optimistic about prices

Rate of growth in dwelling values is slowing

State Opposition threatens housing supply in NSW

The risks of DIY property management

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