Latest by Nila Sweeney

Australia's waterfront properties go on sale

Sea-changers who were priced out of the market in recent years are now able to grab bargain beachside homes thanks to falling demand and hefty discounting among vendors.

Australian property to return 9% per annum

Australian property investors who can ride out the current downturn are poised to reap at least 9% per annum return on their investments over the next five years according to Residex.

Gloom, but not doom

The Australian economy will not fall into recession despite signs of slowdown according to leading forecasters.

Market Report ACT - (December 2008)

Market Report Victoria - (December 2008)

Sell in Melbourne, negotiate in Darwin

Australia's population soars to new record

Aussie property back in black

Rate cut to fuel housing activity as affordability improves

Good news at last!

Construction levels hit record highs across Australia

Your Last Chance To Become The Next Property Millionaire!

Which basic variable loan saves you $26,140?

House values hold steady amid slowing economy

Investors urged to think long-term

Growth in China to slow, but recession not likely

Inner Sydney units offer good investment prospects

Optimism returns to office property sector

Why Australian house prices are unlikely to fall

Property investing: less risky now than during the boom

Aussie expats flock home

Avoiding Capital Gains Tax

Have we reached the bottom of the property cycle?

Massive rate cut to lure property buyers back into the market

RBA slashes cash rate to 0.50%

Investors optimistic - but not buying yet

Sydney's Ultimo and Pyrmont outperform despite gloom

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