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Footy preferences driving migration choices

Expert Advice with Simon Pressley 04/06/2018

Why property is always in the news


Why the Banks Are Not YOUR FRIEND

If I had a dollar for every time I heard an investor tell me how much the bank loves them – and all they need to do is pick up the phone and they get what they want – my surname would be Zuckerman!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Guns and property

When is the most tax effective time to undertake a renovation?

The questions to ask an agent

How Savvy Investors Evaluate Deals

Depreciation laws for Airbnb investors

Will Australia’s apartment love affair end like The Bachelor?

Can pets inherit property?

How can you avoid paying Capital Gains Tax?

A blended approach on property

Why negative gearing is necessary

5 step plan towards your passive income

Are You Neglecting Your Financial Fitness?

Shop your bank

10 Steps to a high-profit renovation

9 Simple Rules of property Investment

The product pushers

Five tips to minimise risk from your investment portfolio

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