Expert Insights – Page 25

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‘Rentvesting’ – Could this be the right strategy for you?

Expert Advice with Ian Hosking Richards. 30/06/2017

There is no affordability crisis

Why price per square metre is crucial data for property investors

Look at what everyone else is doing… and do the opposite!

Risk-return approach: The most effective property investment strategy

When does the property “inspection” start for you?

How to mitigate risks when buying off-the-plan

Tax time is rapidly creeping up on us.

Can you really afford Interest Only?

What are the best attributes for off-the-plan properties?

How History can be a useful tool for future performance

The ‘future-proof’ property test

Why capital growth beats cash flow every time

Three things you need to know about property investing.

Three looming changes all investors must prepare for.

Why regional areas are becoming more attractive

4 things most people don't understand about their mortgage

How to check your ‘score’ with the bank

My Number 1 Tip!

7 reasons why so many investors never get past their first property

How to benefit from the ‘ripple effect’

Does technology make it easier to invest?

Design a portfolio that can weather the inevitable storms

The difference between price and value

Why it's not always a good idea to buy where you live

Fear-busters: why investing isn’t as scary as you think

Is Australian property truly ‘unaffordable’?

Property market has not been as stellar as we may think

What to Buy

The hidden key to housing affordability

The Looming Sting in the Sunshine Coast Property Market

Why you could be paying too much at auction

The Secret of my Success

Learn how to research property like a pro

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