Latest by Your Investment Property Mag

How to boost low season Airbnb property bookings in Australia

NT Excerpt from the 2019 September Market report

First home buyers amp up activity in Darwin as affordability improves, while low-priced regional areas see value increases

How data is changing our lives

Data is a strategic asset that has made an indelible impact on the way we do business. These days, customer acquisition and retention largely depends on businesses anticipating their customers’ needs so well that they can win their hearts and minds with ease – and data analytics allows this to take place at the deepest level.

ACT Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

NT Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

TAS Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

WA Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

SA Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

Share your strategy for success for the chance to win

Short-term letting strategies

Low-end home sales "unchanged"

How to choose the best investment property

Perth improves – but is big growth expected?

Google or mentor – which one is best?

AUG 2019 | Housing Market Update

WANTED: Australia’s top property investors

Household debt – is it a good or a bad thing?

NSW Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

August 2019 Housing Market Commentary

QLD Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

VIC Excerpt from the 2019 August Market report

Minimal risk and maximum returns

Why investing because of infrastructure spending is a bad idea

Sydney unit market improving?

Are you Australia’s leading property investor?

Are we heading into dangerous territory?

The power of positive gearing

Need help with an SMSF home loan?
Speak to an SMSF lending specialist