Latest Expert Insights

The global failure of rent control: a lesson for Australia

In the wake of Australia's ongoing rental housing affordability crisis, policymakers have mooted a series of interventions, including a freeze on rents and various forms of rent controls.

The most important piece of property data for the next decade you have NOT considered

If you’re a property nerd like me, and like to keep up to date with and continually analyse the data to make sure you’re making informed property decisions, there’s something you need to know.

The Demographic Shift: Aging Baby Boomers and the Impending Intergenerational Wealth Transfer

The demographic landscape of Australia is undergoing a significant shift — we've been living in the Baby Boomer era for quite some time now.

Rent Control: Balancing Act or Slippery Slope for the Australian Property Market?

Rent prices to surge as Australia’s rental crisis worsens

When it comes to buying property don’t "go it alone"

How to invest in property when money is no longer “free”

How to diversify investments beyond your home state

Are you making these seriously fatal property investment mistakes?

6 ugly truths about owning an investment property

Australia is the world’s most popular destination for rich migrants: What does it mean for our property market?

6 essential questions to ask before turning your home into an investment

Downsizing trend will accelerate in Australia: Here’s how it’ll affect the property market

Why consider using a buyer’s agent

From Baby Boom to Baby Bust: Navigating the new economic reality

What’s the answer to our severe housing shortage?

Why property investors shouldn’t fall for media fearmongering: the upturn is here

From population boom to housing nightmare: Addressing Australia’s housing crisis

The surprising truth about money and happiness: new science unveiled

Olympic Endeavours: Seizing the Once in a Lifetime Opportunity in South East Queensland

The 3 Things Required to Bring Certainty to our Property Markets

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