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Queensland’s new land tax rules could cause rental implosion

The reopening of borders will see tenants surge as investors sell their properties to avoid the hefty land tax.

Revealed: Top-performing Sydney suburbs defying the slowdown

These suburbs are withstanding the current cooling in the market, posting double-digit gains over the year to date.

5 eco-friendly upgrades that can provide investors with tax benefits

Not only can these upgrades be a benefit tax-wise, these can also help boost the appeal of the home for potential tenants and buyers.

5 key trends to unfold this spring-selling season

Spring-selling season commences with drop in listings

Which Queensland suburbs are most in-demand despite interest rate rises?

RBA hikes rates again, cash rate now at 2.35%

How will Queensland's new double land tax affect investors and tenants?

Vacancy rates still at lowest point on record

5 standout Perth suburbs in August

Regional markets strike biggest quarterly price fall since 2011

Australia’s cheapest suburbs

Apartment approvals slump to lowest level since 2012

Construction reforms to ensure energy efficiency, accessibility of new homes

Rent freeze likely to do nothing for rental crisis

What sellers should expect this spring-selling season

10 regions with biggest reno spenders

Do I need to be rich to set up a family trust?

Sydney and Melbourne suburbs more likely to hold their value 

Covid-19 shrank household size, lifted prices

The QLD land tax grab that could hurt renters and investors

7 threats that could hamper property activity, growth

10 markets where spring homebuyers are spoiled with options

Property sellers start to rack up profits

NSW rolls out new infrastructure boost to unlock more homes

5 Queensland markets withstanding house price slowdown

How can investors prepare for rising interest rates?

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