Latest Expert Insights

The working from home phenomenon will not impact property prices

I know I read in the media, almost every day, that this new working from home phenomenon will apparently lead to a boom in regional and seaside towns.

The wealth gap in Australia is growing wider

Without over-simplifying, it’s exactly what it sounds like – it means there are two streams of the economy running concurrently.

Four ways to amp up your borrowing power

Investing in property requires belief, mindset and action, but it also requires finance!

Melbourne lockdown will drive population exodus

Can you claim car expenses as a tax deduction?

Why it's important to understand the difference between physical growth & capital growth

Why off the plan apartments are riskier than ever

Here's how Australian real estate will be forever changed

The Art of War for property investors

How to find certainty in property in uncertain times

Selling your property with the tenant in place

What type of property will be popular post corona virus?

Queensland's best performing suburbs over the last 20 years

Is property investing right for you?

Property cash flow strategies facing major problems in this market

Crunch time is coming for many off-the-plan apartment buyers as they won't be able to settle

How to retire with one investment property

House rents set to soar as 75% of Australia faces under-supply

What would a second wave of Coronavirus do to our property markets?

Ten things you must know before investing in Brisbane – Part 2

Why 2020 is the WORST time to buy property

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