Latest by Nina Cuturic

How women are smashing their property goals

Jenelle Paetow from AllianceCorp often sees the challenges that women come up against when they want to begin investing in property.

Why banks care where you eat (and how often)

With ongoing regulatory changes impacting how lenders have assessed borrowers over the last few years, there’s been another issue bubbling away beneath the surface, which many people haven’t factored in: the impact on borrowers’ privacy.

How to save money on your investment loan

Interest rates are currently at record-breaking lows. However, while you may sweep in a healthy amount of income on a weekly basis from your investment property, keeping in tune with how your loan is working for you is essential – as a quick review could reveal thousands of dollars in real cash savings.

How large should your property deposit be?

The profit-crunching mistake new investors make

Revealed: strategy drives long-term wealth

Reno Investor of the Year 2020: Joy Williams

Investing award winners reveal how they rose to the top

Property deposit: Can it be saved in 12 months?

Should you bother with depreciation on older properties?

3 strategies for property investment: Which is best for you?

What to know before applying for an investment loan

What are your property goals for 2020?

‘Need to know’ before you refinance

The best suburbs to create wealth in short-term letting

New to property investing? Here’s what you need to know about depreciation

The ultimate guide to developing: The beginner developer

How to better time your entry into the market

How to uncover profitable deals in commercial property

The ultimate guide to developing: The professional developer

The ultimate guide to developing: The experienced developer

Can you purchase equity?

Property expo to showcase commercial benefits

Where to buy for sky-high rents

How to invest with as little as $100

Renovations versus repairs

Building Defects: What Does It Mean For Property Investors?

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