Expert Insights – Page 20

Latest in Expert Insights

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

A long, long time ago (when animals could still talk), they held a competition to see whose babies were the most attractive. All the animals were proud of the way that their offspring looked, so each was confident of winning. They assembled in flocks and herds and made an enormous fuss as each parent showed off her baby.

Guns and property

When is the most tax effective time to undertake a renovation?

The questions to ask an agent

How Savvy Investors Evaluate Deals

Depreciation laws for Airbnb investors

Will Australia’s apartment love affair end like The Bachelor?

Can pets inherit property?

How can you avoid paying Capital Gains Tax?

A blended approach on property

Why negative gearing is necessary

5 step plan towards your passive income

Are You Neglecting Your Financial Fitness?

Shop your bank

10 Steps to a high-profit renovation

The product pushers

9 Simple Rules of property Investment

Five tips to minimise risk from your investment portfolio

It’s Geelong’s time to shine…

How the right reserve price can improve your auction result

Property Investment Sharks

False positive for Sydney

7 powerful rules to help you become a top negotiator

Buying Well in the 2018 Property Market

Did APRA save Australia from a property price crash?

Death And Property

How (and when) should you raise the rent on your investment property?

39 affordable locations

Is Australia still the lucky country?

15 Unfortunate truths about property investing

6 times you can snag a property before auction day

Who do you ask for property investment advice?

Which locations are winning the property race?

Opportunities the Commonwealth Games may offer

Need help with an SMSF home loan?
Speak to an SMSF lending specialist