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Do balanced investments deliver the best results?

The logic of spreading the risk by balancing or diversifying your properties is that if the values (or prospective values) of one of your properties slumps, good continued performance in the others will still give you an acceptable overall result. From this logic, you can see that it is uncertainty that urges us to diversify, not the surety of high returns, because if we were really sure about the outcome, there would be no logic in diversifying at all.

The bad boys


Country versus city housing market performance

Australians prefer to live in large cities and this growing urbanisation generates ever growing demand for housing in already heavily populated and over developed coastal areas. This adds to infrastructure development and maintenance costs as well as creating more or less continuous housing shortages in most of our capital cities.

Why it’s better to hold than sell

Discretionary buyer booms are coming

Footy fans and false correlations

Land on the Moon

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Can pets inherit property?

Why negative gearing is necessary

The product pushers

Opportunities the Commonwealth Games may offer

The truth about good yield and bad yield

The Cryptocurrency Craze

Buy with your heart or your head?

Your guide to this year’s housing market cup

The white wallabies of the property market

The Caterpillar and the Butterfly

A bedtime story for housing investors

On the ground research

The property investment strategy cycle

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