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7 ways the rich are getting richer, and how to join them

What has history taught us about our property markets?

The only thing you should learn from history is that we don't learn from history.  

Sydney and Melbourne House Prices Down but Not Out

We're currently in a two-speed property market. 

Will the Ukraine crisis really cause property values to tumble 15%?

Where is the property market heading?

Is Sydney back in a property boom?

The Brutal Truths about property investment that no one else will tell you

Major banks predict 14% house price drop. Really! | Property Insiders [Video]

Look how many property records were broken in 2021

Investors at near-record highs? – think again | Property Insiders

Brisbane’s best suburbs for 2022 and why the experts will get this one wrong

9 things I wish I knew before buying my first property

Will mortgage stress be the beginning of the end of the great Covid-19 property boom?

200,000 migrants will stretch our property markets next year | Property Insiders [Video]

Are we in for a pre-election economic boom? Property Insiders Video

Is higher inflation the end of low interest rates? | Property Insiders [Video]

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Warning: Steer clear of inner-city apartments

How will APRA’s sledgehammer impact our housing markets? | Property Insiders [Video]

Here's a property risk you probably haven't thought about.

Will APRA increase interest rates for property investors? | Property Insiders [Video]

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