Latest Expert Insights

How to find certainty in property in uncertain times

You’d be forgiven for thinking  that property prices along with our economy may be doomed!

The Art of War for property investors

It’s been translated into virtually every language, read by everyone from politicians to sportspeople and CEOs, and holds every bit of relevance today as it did when it was first written around 2,000 years ago.

Selling your property with the tenant in place

Whether you have one or two investment properties or a big and complex portfolio, the fact is, you’ve gone into the property game with a clear goal in mind: to make money.

Queensland's best performing suburbs over the last 20 years

What type of property will be popular post corona virus?

Is property investing right for you?

Property cash flow strategies facing major problems in this market

Crunch time is coming for many off-the-plan apartment buyers as they won't be able to settle

How to retire with one investment property

House rents set to soar as 75% of Australia faces under-supply

Ten things you must know before investing in Brisbane – Part 2

What would a second wave of Coronavirus do to our property markets?

Why 2020 is the WORST time to buy property

Prediction: 25 locations set to grow

Ten things you must know before investing in Brisbane – Part 1

Canberra set to boom in the gloom

All you need to know about selling your home

Brisbane property prices to defy the critics and strengthen in 2020

How to invest in property in 2020

Why you need a team to build generational wealth?

Will the HomeBuilder grant get the desired results?

Need help with an SMSF home loan?
Speak to an SMSF lending specialist